Serving and selling with energy and passion this engagement season

Today I am thrilled to have the wonderful Glen Mitchell from Thrive Through Life join us on the blog. Glen is The Wedding Venue Members’ Club health and wellness guru and always has so much useful information to share about how to look after yourselves when serving your clients. Thank you kindly Glen for your time - some actionable tips to get you all firing on all cylinders when the engagement season starts

We've all just recovered from the wedding season. I don't know about you but this engagement season has come around very quickly. As you start to showcase your venues and services to new couples you need to be communicating with energy and enthusiasm to secure those bookings for 2023/24. If there is one thing I have noticed in the wedding industry it is those coordinators and owners that conduct show rounds with energy and enthusiasm that convert at the highest rates.

Here are 5 of my top tips for making sure we can show up with vitality and energy to sell and close with ease…


Our diet is the basis of all our health and well-being. Genuine wellness stems from putting the correct energy sources into our bodies so we can live a long life to our full potential. If you are not thinking about the food you put into your body, you are missing out on the best way to make a positive change in your life. Many fad diets come and go, but thankfully the key to eating well is relatively straightforward.

Michael Pollan gave us the short version with his now famous quote: “Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” A more extended version takes into consideration the provenance of the food, how it is cooked, the individual's particular proclivities toward certain foods, their goals for weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance and the use of certain foods to help balance the body and mind.

This way of eating does not mean that your diet has to be boring. On the contrary, this ethos is likely to open up a whole new array of delicious ingredients from which to choose and use. Eating is one of the pleasures of life and should bring joy to you both inside and out.


We live in a society that is continually pushing us towards the next goal.

This outcome-based lifestyle often leads to a lack of time for the body to replenish and restore. If we want to get much more life out of many more years we need to give the body and mind the space to rejuvenate.

Sleep, Rest and Recovery are fundamental principles for longevity. Making sure you regularly get proper sleep should be the number one priority for us all. This is when the body is genuinely rebuilding and healing itself. With new habits and potentially some natural aids a good night's sleep is within everyone's grasp.

After sleep, it is all about getting the body into that rest and repair state known as the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). A few examples of activities that promote this are — gentle yoga, massage, binaural beats, reading, and float tanks. There is a multitude of activities that can serve as anchor points to help you rejuvenate yourself. All you have to do is give yourself the gift to do and enjoy them. It's time to start taking care of yourself. This is not selfish but a way of making you a better person and giving you more energy to spend on and with the people you love.


First of all, a supplement is not a drug. A supplement is providing a nutrient that the body is deficient in. It would be fantastic if we did not need supplements. However, the soil we grow our food in is considerably less nutrient dense than it was in our grandparents' generation. This issue then leads to the food we consume not having the nutrients it should.

While most of us are exceeding our required calorie intake, the nutrients we take in and absorb are usually woefully inadequate. Effectively we are overfed and undernourished. This lack of what our body needs to thrive leads to a necessity for quality supplementation done thoughtfully.

Some supplements are needed for the short term only. Others are something to be added to most people's daily routines. A good regime of supplements can create a positive effect on your energy levels, the quality of your sleep, how you manage your stress and your overall anti-ageing capabilities. If you are looking to reach your full potential for your full life then quality supplements are something you should be using or having at the ready.

***I am running my signature 10-day energy weight and wellness program starting on January 9th. If you are interested you can follow the link to register and I will reach out to you to discuss the possibilities.***


Positive relationships with other people are one of the keys to contentment in your life. Working on your relationships and connection with others requires additional mindfulness with today's hectic lifestyle. Our sense of belonging has been ingrained in our survival instincts since our ancestors' time.

If you were not a part of a tribe that meant death and this is built into our psyche to this day.

It does not mean we have to have a large friend group or 50,000 social media followers. This is a situation where quality is more important than quantity. We need to feel connected on a deep level to someone or some group, and we need to make time to feel that connection regularly.

Another often overlooked connection is the bond you have with yourself. This relationship is as essential as your connection with others. Being at peace in your own company is of immense value. The use of solitude to connect to the real you is very beneficial and sometimes a more challenging process than being in a social environment. Knowing yourself and being your own best friend can make a profound change in your outlook on life, your success and your health and lifespan.


We need to move our bodies deliberately and energetically to maintain good health throughout our life. Exercise boosts your mood, transforms your body, improves your synthesis of nutrients, leads to better sleep, balances your immune system and promotes cellular regeneration (anti-ageing). With this in mind, we should all be moving with intention. However, many people go from bed to car to office to home and then back again every day, with only limited movement during these times.

The reason for this is that exercise is often seen as a punishment. This perception can be changed easily.

We all enjoy different types of movement and can get the exercise we need to attain and maintain good health in many different ways. Explore a movement practice that improves and maintains your health and well-being while bringing you enjoyment. The practice you undertake should always leave you feeling better than before you started. The goal here is to get you stronger, more supple, and fitter and enjoy moving your body.

Start from where you are. Too many people come back to exercise and movement after a few years away and assume they can pick up exactly where they left off. These people end up injured or disillusioned with their performance. They then give up believing that age has caught up with them. They believe that the additional weight or constant feeling of fatigue is now their lot in life and part of the ageing process. These limiting beliefs could not be further from the truth. Exercise and movement are not a punishment but a positive way of reconnecting with your body and the amazing things it is capable of doing!

With these things in place, you are well on the road to closing a high percentage of new enquiries and filling your diaries for the coming seasons.

Wishing you a body full of energy and a diary full of bookings,


P.S. If you are thinking about getting an energy kickstart to 2023 click the link to find out more about my 10-day energy, weight and wellness program starting in Jan!


10 steps to a winning wedding venue marketing plan


A successful engagement season - the countdown is on!